Use Facebook to Promote Your Blog

Sure Facebook has been a great way for us to connected with old friends and keep in contact with family members near and far, but did you know it can be a useful platform to promote your Blog? Here some ideas to utilize Facebook to promote your site or blog.

First thing I did was...

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BIP Assignment #5 -- Social Media

Our task was to:
write a post about a social media tool that you currently use. If you don’t currently use any social media, pick one you’re interested in, do some research, and write a post about what you’ve learned. Posts should be as specific and experience based as possible. If you’re stuck on what to write, here are some ideas — how do you use this particular tool to improve your blog or relationship with other bloggers? How do you balance time between blogging and using social media? What are some specific things you wish you’d known before you started your chosen your new tool?
