Blog Improvement Project Week #16: Blog Somewhere New

I have been pretty slack with the BIP these days. I kind of got side tracked with summer and the house and I sort of forgot all about the project. Now that all the distraction are gone, i'm ready to get back into the swing of things and continue with the assignments. So here is the next assignment...

"Since it’s summer in most places, and everyone (myself included) seems to be in a blogging slowdown, I thought this would be a great week to, possibly, get away from the computer for a bit.

No, we’re not going to just ignore our blogs — we’re going to look for blogging inspiration somewhere new.

Darren Rose at Problogger suggested something like this during the 31 Day Build a Better Blog Challenge, except he suggested leaving your blog behind and taking a trip to the mall for some inspiration with just a notebook and a pen. I like that idea, but I’ve got a lap top and so I want the chance to take my blog with me when I go out somewhere new.

There’s no real way to do this. If you’ve got a laptop, take it out of the house and write up a post somewhere different. If you don’t have a laptop, grab a pen and paper and do some brainstorming outside the house (check out BIP Week 2 for brainstorming techniques). Go to the park, a local coffee shop, the library, a friend’s house, your backyard, wherever you feel like it. Just get away from where you usually blog to see what inspiration you might get from a change of scene.

I’m feeling pretty loosey-goosey about this. If you want to write up a post talking about what it was like to blog someplace different, feel free. If you just want to write a post and not mention it was from a different place, feel free to do that too. Just leave some links to whatever you do in the comments on this post so others can be inspired.

As my favorite professor often said to me, “Go forth and do good work.”

P.S. Yes, I know I skipped Week #15. I forgot about it until it was too late to do effectively, so I just decided we could all use the break. Forgive me?

Do you have a favorite place to blog? A favorite place to write or read? Where is it? Does going somewhere new help you focus or get inspired?"

